On October 25th we registered about 20 new citizens after a Naturalization Ceremony in the Federal District Court on Court Street. Everyone, including, the citizens, were glad we were there. The next Naturalization Ceremonial is December 5th and the Voters Service committee will be there.
Leading up to the election, your Voters Service Committee members were present at 18 different occasions to register voters, to pass out our Voters Guide Trifold, to offer information about restoring the right to vote, to talk about redistricting reform, to ask people to sign ONEVIRGINIA2021's action forms, and to promote riding the bus free on election day.
Nine hundred copies of our Voters Guide Trifold were distributed. Some locations asked for more. We got many compliments.
LWVLY supplied 2 posters for each of GLTC the buses. Thanks to GLTC for offering free rides on election day. The week before the election, GOTV flyers reminding folks to vote were posted in over 50 locations.
We will end 2019 with a celebratory lunch and a look into the future.
In early 2020 we will meet with LCS in hopes of being able to help register students before the May City Council elections. If you would like to join the Voter Service Committee, contact Molly or Joanna