The annual Program Planning meeting is approaching. RSVPing for the event will ensure that you receive an email reminder.
At this event, we will review the national League of Women Voters national program. The current national program, “Campaign for Making Democracy Work,” has four main components: voting rights, improving elections, money in politics and redistricting. As you know, our local league has been active in at least three of these issues over the past year. You can see the LWV's work on these issues at their website.
In addition to examining the national program, we will be approving our local positions at our upcoming meeting. Please read over the local positions before the program planning meeting on February 21.
Housing (adopted March 1971, revised March 1981, updated March 1991) information update November 2014 by Dawn Fagan, LRHA and Shanda Rowe
Support public and private initiatives to meet the need for low-income housing in Lynchburg.
Recreation (adopted January 1973) information update March 2013 by Any Reeder, City Park Service Manager
Support for improving existing recreational space within the city by
1. Preserving and acquiring natural areas, and
2. Maintaining recreational areas in high density neighborhoods.
Transportation (adopted April 1975) information update April 2013 by Jack Hellesell, CLTC Board Chair, and April 2015 by Josh Baker, Manager Support of a public transit system in the Lynchburg area with the extension of the service to outlying areas as necessary and financially feasible.
Elementary Schools (adopted November 1983) information update March 2014 by Judy Trent, Hutcherson Early Learning Center, revised May 2019 & May 2020
Support for the early identification and treatment of children with behavior and adjustment needs for the provision of qualified personnel to facilitate the identification and delivery of appropriate developmental services to these children.
Drug Courts (adopted May 2020)
The League of Women Voters of Lynchburg supports the use of drug courts to prevent incarceration, to enable persons to become drug free and combat the societal crisis of drug addiction.
Please review the program in advance of the Program Planning meeting and be prepared to share your thoughts. Support for the program is reached through consensus, which has been a cornerstone of the LWV since its inception. We welcome your input and will share our feedback with national, including any additional program items we agree upon as a group